Raven Rothkopf

Hi, Im Raven ✿

As a new grad from Barnard College in NYC, I studied computer science and math.

I'm a student, software developer, researcher, artist, and plant enthusiast from Chicago.

My interests lie in the intersection of formal methods and human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and computer science education.

This fall, I am thrilled to say that I will begin my PhD at the University of California, San Diego with the UCSD Programming Systems Group, supported by the NSF GRFP!

Currently, most of my work is done as a research assistant with Dr. Mark Santolucito in Barnard's Programming Languages Lab. The lab specializes in program synthesis, computer music, live coding, and domain-specific languages, all of which I have dabbled in and more!

This summer (2024), I will be a visiting researcher along with Dr. Santolucito at Saarland University's CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany!

Last summer (2023), I had the incredible opportunity to work with Dr. Josh Sunshine and Dr. Keenan Crane on the Penrose system, doing research at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering as a part of Carnegie Mellon University's REUSE program.

Please feel free to contact me at raven.rothkopf@gmail.com with any questions, opportunities to collaborate, or just to chat!